The Storm

My name, the name I was blessed with as a baby

It comes from the thunder beings, the storms, the lightning, the thunder, the rain

That is where my name comes from, where I come from 

They told me to remember that, never forget your name, it will help you and protect you in life 

Remember we are connected to the earth, the wind, the directions, the water, the soil, the plants and animals, the spirits, we are all connected

But I didn't remember

I forgot as I got older 

I lost my way 

Blinded by the pain of the past I lost my way 

I found escape in hurting others 

I found escape in hurting myself

I found escape in destruction 

I became the angry storm 

For many years I carried hate 

I carried anger

I carried pain 

I carried the past

Where was I going? I was lost in my own storm 

For years i walked in chaos 

Until a caring hand reached out to mine 

A safe hand

A safe face

A concerned face

A smile 

A person who wanted know and help me out of the storm I created 



A brief stop in the storm when I spoke to them about my truths 

The thunder and lightning stopped, what came next was rain 


Tears of healing 

After many years of sharing I reached calmness 

I found my name 

I found pieces of my identity 

I found pieces of my ancestors 

I found pieces of happiness 

I found our songs 

I found our lodge 

I found our medicines

I found my family 

I found pieces of my language 

I found pieces of my home 

I found pieces of myself 

And I continue to rebuild

I continue to work on my storm 

Try not to be a storm of chaos and destruction 

But instead a storm that cleanses 

A storm that brings those teachings 

A storm that helps

I am Aaron Michael McKay, I am the sound of the approaching distant storm.

Aaron McKay

Approaching Storm - Aaron McKay


Lost and Found